Which 'evil men' was she talking about?
BY LYNN SWEET Sun-Times Columnist
DAVENPORT, Iowa -- What was she thinking? "You guys keep telling me, 'lighten up, be funny,'" said Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"You know, I get a little funny, and now I am being psychoanalyzed!"
Of course she is.
I'm thinking that it's you Ms Sweet and your grade school fart joke cronies that need to get psychoanalyed.
Hillary Clintons' husband Bill? He had an affair. He lied about it.
He embarassed her and her family in a way most people will never understand. BUT IT WAS A BLOODY AFFAIR!!!
Systematic hounding, vilifing, heckling, debasing, slandering and threatening....
Not to mention calling her daughter a "dog". Claiming she is a lesbian.
Accusing her of adultery, legal finnagling, and F'NG MURDER!
(Did you know if you google
Lies About Hillary Clinton, you get pages and pages of.... LIES ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON.)
I'm not on the Hillary bandwagon, I don't know who I like yet. But this bullshit has got to stop. Literally, if you try and google something to defend Hillary, all that comes up are right wing smears that go the opposite way. Google "Slurs against Hillary Clinton", and you get accusations of Hillary Clinton making slurs.
She's married to him, she stayed with him. Get the f**k over it. It's not my damn business, and even if she were a girlfriend, I'd stay the hell out of it.
The "Evil Men" that she has learned from the past twenty odd years are the Pundits & Politicians that smile while lunging for her back. Or sometimes don't smile. Sounds like she might have a chance dealing with a straight up threat like Osama.
* Hannity, Savage, Gallagher, Snow, Beck ad nauseum........