Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Of Wedgies and Tinfoil, One Womans' View

This afternoon when the "Breaking News" was all about how Abu Gonzales sent a letter saying that all of a sudden FISA "Was Our Friend", I knew something was up.
I ain't Glenn Greenwald, so go read him here.
I do have too much time on my hands.

Do you guys remember what was all the rage Monday & Tuesday? Well I do.

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From Keiths' show last nite....

The two night special season opener of "24".

GREENWALD: Well, we know how susceptible people are to fear, some of it with good reason. The tragedy, as we know, has been how this administration has played on people‘s fears, and how Fox News and Fox in general has used it over and over and over again.

As you say, people can tell the difference. This is fiction. What we‘re dealing with in the world at times is fact. You know, of course, the question is, can this administration tell the difference, given that every day we get a different reason about who we should be afraid of, why we should be afraid, and why we went to war.

OLBERMANN: And the old line, of course, seems to apply here, about people insisting TV does not impact the public‘s perceptions, and then you point out, Well, gee whiz, all those advertisers must have wasted every dollar they ever spent on television.

And what's going to happen tomorrow? Abu gets grilled by the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence.

Stop and think a minute. Those people who aren't total phreaks like us, they just pick up bits and pieces of the news as they go along with life.

Yesterday the innoculated the masses.... "Oh, Jack tortures!!! Jack taps phones!! No time to get stinking warrants!!!"

Today, an announcement that isn't an announcement came out.

If the Pres and his cronies didn't have a problem with abiding by the FISA court, WHAT THE FU*K was that hongo deal last year about?

But now they have plausible deniability. "Oooooh, see we're being GOOD."

Tomorrow they refuse to talk about anything and cloak themselves behind the horrors of the upcoming nuclear war & the fact that they are already "following the law" even if there is no proof.

And then top it off with....

The Doomsday Clock

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