Sunday, December 31, 2006

Pugnacious Pols & Pundits for 2007!!!!

2007? The year of fighting back.

Remember this guy? The first shooter across the bow.....

Why have we allowed the dialogue of politics to degrade to a point where you have to state who you are and explain why you are the way you are. It’s a waste of time. It’s ridiculous.
When I walk into the courthouse, when you walk into the courthouse there is not and should not be a form where you check off and it says, “I’m gay. I’m straight. I’m bi. I’m not sure.”
We as Democrats have facilitated that conversation by allowing, what I call the radical right, to politicize. It’s just stupid. Gay Americans. Straight Americans. We’re all the same. We all get the same rights.
Anybody who wants to say that there’s a litmus test on who gets rights and who doesn’t get rights based on their sexuality, it’s just un-American. And that’s how I view it.

Shorter Paul Hackett, "Jeez that's stupid."
Hmmm, how about this guy?

"Since 2003, President Bush has laid out nine different plans for victory in Iraq, none of them serious and none of them workable. And most seriously, this incompetence has hindered our ability to fight international terror,"

Shorter Jim Webb, "The president is stupid."

Or this gal?

Well you know, I think that‘s the problem. I mean, we went in there—you know, the height of irresponsibility is going into a conflict like that with the kind of problems internally that were there, without any plan for peace.

Shorter Claire McCaskill, "What the president did is stupid."

Things are shifting with out pundits also.....

In ya face Tucker!!!

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Maddow: This is a global war on terror. This is a war for you or for us to win. You need patience...He sounds like Ken Mehlman when he’s saying that only less gay. I mean this is ridiculous.

Shorter Rachel Maddow, "Of course Mehlman is gay you stupid bow-tie wearing dweeb!"

Oooooh, Whap, Slap,Snip, SNAP!!
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Schecter:"Your party is a party of criminals and predators"

Shorter Cliff Schecter, "I'm not stupid and neither are the viewers, Noron!!"

And of course, Madam Speaker.....
The fact is that there is no Ethics Committee.
It has been completely gutted by the Republicans.

And this should be a cause of great outrage in the country.

What the Republicans are saying is:
"We are above the law. Because we are above the law, we may decide on our own to take the law into our own hands when it comes to your personal decisions in your lives, but for us, we are above the law."

No shorter version for Ms Pelosi. Pretty succinct.

We're not taking it any more. We're not even gonna pretend to take it.

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Dissent and disagreement with government is the life’s blood of human freedom; and not merely because it is the first roadblock against the kind of tyranny the men Mr. Rumsfeld likes to think of as “his” troops still fight, this very evening, in Iraq.

It is also essential. Because just every once in awhile it is right and the power to which it speaks, is wrong.

And this is only the beginning.......

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